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SBCMS News/Media

Statement from Christopher Tsai, MD, SBCMS President


March 31, 2021

Dear Physician Members, Partners and Friends of SBCMS,

It is disturbing and saddening to see the increasing hatred shown by too many over the past several years. It seems every news cycle is marked by a new viral video of another despicable attack; attacks on unsuspecting people minding their own business. The current wave of attacks on Asian Americans is just the latest in an escalating series of events aimed at people who look different to their attackers. 

This. Has. To. Stop.

SBCMS stands proudly with people of all cultures and ethnic backgrounds. To you, our colleagues, and to you, our patients, know that you are a person of value, that you are important, and that we stand beside you. Perhaps if we all could see each other as fellow citizens of the human race, we could stop this nonsense. Perhaps together we could all represent the model majority.


Christopher K. Tsai, M.D.
President 2020-21, San Bernardino County Medical Society

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