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California Democratic Party to remain neutral on Prop. 46

Backers of Proposition 46, the MICRA lawsuit measure, were dealt another severe blow this weekend when, despite their intense lobbying, the Executive Board of the California Democratic Party rejected their efforts to gain an endorsement, instead voting to remain neutral.

Over the course of the three-day meeting, Democratic Party leaders and activists who reviewed Prop. 46 found that, if the initiative were to pass, health care costs would go up, access to care would go down, community clinics would be harmed and personal privacy will be put at risk.

Understanding its potentially devastating effects, traditionally Democratic groups such as the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the California Teachers Association, Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) have all opposed Prop. 46, and advocated against the measure throughout the weekend, helping secure the neutral position. These groups were also joined by physicians, medical students and health care providers from around the state, each of whom would have their practices threatened by the flawed and deceptive Prop. 46.

More information about Prop. 46’s dangerous impacts, as well as a list of the unprecedentedly broad coalition opposing the measure, can be found at


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