Dr. Ramendeep Singh, board certified in Family Medicine, started practicing at Choice Medical Group after graduating from the prestigious family medicine residency program at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. Previously, she graduated from the American University of Antigua College of Medicine in 2012. She is a tireless and committed provider and a true asset to the clinical faculty. She graduated with high honors and was recognized by her program a compassionate, dedicated and “natural” family physician. She joined Choice Medical Group and was assigned to one of the most populated rural areas with complex patients. She immediately began a large patient flow and was able to manage the flow with no problems. Dr. Singh has managed working countless hours and has dedicated herself to providing the best patient care she can possibly give to her patients. She has gone above and beyond and will one way or another find the answer behind the issue. She also has an extensive geratric panel that love her and the care that she provides. Her dedication towards her patients is further supported by her leadership skills and advocacy for preventive medicine. She is a member of the Compliance Committee and the Physician Burnout Prevention Committee with Choice and currently serves as an Alternate Delegate to CMA’s District II to the House of Delegates through SBCMS.
Ramendeep Singh, MD
SBCMS and CMA Member